Brent and his zone

Brent and his zone
Pday at Talcahuano on a floating museum





Lindsay somewhere

Lindsay somewhere

Lindsay in Barcelona

Lindsay in Barcelona
singing before she gets her new comp

Brent in Chile

Brent in Chile
Looking cool

Lindsay in Spain

Lindsay in Spain
First companion-Hmna Snow



Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Brent in Andalien

Greetings from Andalien!

My new sector and zone are right next those that I had when i WAS in the office. It is cool to be back in Conce, I have a lot of work to do now especially with my zone. I am very excited to be here and I have been relying on the Lord more than ever to help me fulfill the my new responsibilities and I have a lot to learn. This week has flown by no joke. My new ward is huge and amazing we just have one very big problem, gossip. I don´t think I understood how evil and destructive it can be especially in the hearts of new converts whose testimonies are still developing. None of us are perfect and if we let something someone else has said or done effect our testimonies of the truthfulness of the gospel we will not make it in life. or more importantly we won´t reviece eternal life. Good news on the other hand is that we have three baptisms this week!!! YAY!!! My new companions name is Elder Gallo, he is from Bogota columbia, and he goes home in 5 weeks...ya it is crazy. He is way cool though and we get along great. I hope to learn as much from him as possible before he goes. Also, there are a lot of returned missionaries in my ward so I will be working with them a lot in order to build the work around here. As far as my housing situation, I actually live with members and they are so kind. We are actually working with their daughter in law so that she can be baptized pretty soon. Everyone in my zone is way cool, and they are all good missionaries. We will be seeing a lot of miracles as we show our faith.

Mom Dad the kitchen looks awesome! I wish I had a way to make hot chocolate it is freezing here! There is no such thing as central heating or furnaces. Everyone just has one of those benjamin Franklin stoves and since we can´t have live fire none of the missionaries have these stoves in order to stay warm haha but it is all good. Mom if you haven´t sent the package yet could you by chance send me up some new ties and a pair of black dress pants? Cool ties please haha but only if you haven´t already sent the package and if you have time.

Holly good job for getting straight A´s, Connor keep going man do what it takes to get your grades up so you can drive, it is worth it, trust me. Aunt Kira and Jacie are in my prayers. I love you all. I know that there is someone you know prepared to recieve the gospel. Pray. Ask the Lord to help you recognize who it might be after making a list and be willing and ready to act according to whom the Lord tells you you should visit or share you testimony with.


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