Brent and his zone

Brent and his zone
Pday at Talcahuano on a floating museum





Lindsay somewhere

Lindsay somewhere

Lindsay in Barcelona

Lindsay in Barcelona
singing before she gets her new comp

Brent in Chile

Brent in Chile
Looking cool

Lindsay in Spain

Lindsay in Spain
First companion-Hmna Snow



Monday, September 12, 2011


Hey Family,

I can´t believe that it is already time to pick up Lindsay. Makes me feel old haha. This week has been awesome but also a big struggle. My sector is doing great though and if we didn´t have great struggle we wouldn´t have great victory. And one great victory is worth at least 5 great struggles so it all works out in the end jaja.

Not much to report this week except that I am feeling extremely good because all of my new converts are still active and progressing at a million miles per hour and we have now made specific goals for them to make it to the temple as soon as possible. How are all of you doing?

This week my testimony has grown a lot on the need to be guided by revelation and the need to speak by the spirit. Many times when we need to repent and someone is telling us that it chafes but when the spirit is there testifying to the heart of the person the message is understood and changes are brought about. That is why we are commanded not to teach without the spirit becuase we ourselves cannot bring about the change of heart necessary for God´s children to be able to repent and follow the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Tell me about what is going on. Mom I saw the picture the kitchen is looking awesome!! Anyways, gotta go but I love you all!!

Read the Book of Mormon everyday!

Elder Reed

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