Brent and his zone

Brent and his zone
Pday at Talcahuano on a floating museum





Lindsay somewhere

Lindsay somewhere

Lindsay in Barcelona

Lindsay in Barcelona
singing before she gets her new comp

Brent in Chile

Brent in Chile
Looking cool

Lindsay in Spain

Lindsay in Spain
First companion-Hmna Snow



Monday, January 17, 2011


Well, I don´t really know where to start...this was probably the hardest week of my mission, and the worst in numbers, but I know it isn´t all about numbers. But when the numbers are pretty bad, you can´t help but think about them. But I will just tell you the positive´s, and hope to have really long emails of love and encouragement next week. Tell dad he didn´t write me and I wrote him, I think.

Well, I love my companion. She is awesome. Her name is Hermana Preston and she is from Tucson, Arizona. We have had a lot of fun, she cracks me up. She calls me Charlize because she thinks I look like Charlize Theron...I wish. But she is so wonderful and just wants to work, and so I love it! Funny story, we were talking to this guy on the tram back home, and we were able to set an appointment with him. Well, after we had set the cita, my comp started asking him more questions about his family and stuff like that (he is from Bolivia). Then, she didn´t know what else to ask, so she asked....hey, have you seen the Harry Potter movies? hahahaha I was trying so hard not to laugh. He replied that he had seen them. AFter we got off the tram we started laughing so hard, she was like um, I have no idea why i asked him that. Ok, maybe you had to be there, but it was so funny.

It is weird not speaking spanish all the time, before I had to, now, we have to remind ourselves to still speak in spanish when we are in piso. But it is a branch here in Benidorm, very small. There were like 15 people at church on Sunday, but I guess there are usually more.

I am so proud of you for not just reading the Book of Mormon, but studying it! HOlly will get there. Connor, way to have the desire to apply what you read! Honestly, until something is actually applied to our lives, we haven´t learned. We can read about charity all we want, but until we apply it, and actually do something, we haven´t really learned what charity is.

And oh, even though I couldn´t be there, Divine and Akim were baptized!!! I was so happy!!! I was praying so hard for them this week, I am soooo happy.

Anyway, even though it was a rough week, I still have a story for you. We were pretty desperate to teach lessons, so we decided to go visit a less active who I guess the hermanas hadn´t visited in awhile. Well, when we were almost to her house we saw this women, who looked a bit sad. Well, of course we are going to talk with her, so we began chatting, and she told us that she is passing through some difficult times right now and doesn´t know if there is a God, or if there is why He isn´t helping her, but she wants to have faith. Well we were able to share our testimonies with her and we have an appointment to see her this week. I could see her broken heart and her desire to know if our Heavenly Father loves her. The Lord prepares people in so many different ways to hear the gospel. I am so glad to have the opportunity to teach about our Savior, so that people can lay their sorrows at His feet and allow Him to lift them out of the dark. I know this gospel is true!! Yes, it was a hard week, but I know why I am here!!

I love you all!!

Hermana Reed

1 comment:

  1. aww, lindsay is amazing! i love reading her letters- she is inspiring :)
