Brent and his zone

Brent and his zone
Pday at Talcahuano on a floating museum





Lindsay somewhere

Lindsay somewhere

Lindsay in Barcelona

Lindsay in Barcelona
singing before she gets her new comp

Brent in Chile

Brent in Chile
Looking cool

Lindsay in Spain

Lindsay in Spain
First companion-Hmna Snow



Saturday, January 21, 2012

Brent has one more transfer to stay in office

Hey Family

How have your weeks been? Mine has been a little crazy. It is transfer planning week and it took us 3 days this time to do all of the cambios. We pretty much had to plan for the next three transfers because we will be opening 15 new sectors, losing half of our leadership, and having a quarter to half of the mission training at the same time. We have a lot of big changes coming, it is really exciting. Even though it has taken a solid 3 days it has been fun doing cambios with President.

As far as other crazy things happening our truck broke down! We were on our way out to do mini cambios when the clutch gave out and the car stopped moving. We had to push it to the Ford Dealership. It was really a pain losing all the time we did getting it fixed but at least it is safe to drive in. While we were fixing it we found out that our previous mechanic had been jimmy rigging the truck instead of fixing it the right way so it was a blessing to have the dealership look at it. We also went Urban Paintballing as a zone and it was pretty much the most epic zone activity I have ever planned and been on. I will send some pics but we did it call of duty style and played on a big villa that had two or three empty houses to go through an empty pool and terrace and everything it was a good unity builder jaja. 

We also had this intense miracle happen this week. On Sunday a woman walked into church that I had never seen before and I felt a very strong impression, stronger than I have ever felt, to go and talk to her. Well, I was waiting until the end of Sacrament meeting to go do that but ten minutes b4 it ended she got a phone call and left. All I could think of was to ask the people who sat next to her if they knew where she lived. Thankfully the bishops wife is good friends with her but had never had the confidence with the missionaries to send them over to her house. Well, I got the direction from her and we went over to the house and met Barbara. We had a very powerful lesson with her and we have kept coming over to her house and she is amazing and so prepared. She reads and prays and wants to get baptized. She has been going through a lot of difficulties in her life with her family and now has recognized how the gospel is bringing a peace and tranquility into it that she has never had before, it is great. She should be getting baptized in two weeks

Oh, and as far as transfers go...I will be staying in the office for one more cambio which means that I will officially spend more than half of my mission in the office. I am not complaining it has just been strange to see the Lord´s plan fold out for me here and I am glad that I can be happy wherever I am if I am in the service of my God. 

Also, one of the needs in our mission is a greater understanding of gospel principles, because almost everybody has less than 6 months on the mish right now, so Elder Stermetz and I are making a program to help us in just knowing the doctrine better, it is going to be sick. I am now memorizing all of the scriptures that are found in lesson 3 of Preach My Gospel and, don´t be hatin, I have found that now that I understand and have a personal testimony of the principles of the gospel memorization has been an important tool to expand that understanding and I have been learning a lot. 

Other less important news, because of the mission I have found a love for both bananas and Ketchup, things that I hated before the mission, and regularly consume them both, however, I still do not like mint.

How did everyone like the talk that I sent out?

Well, I love you all! If you ever feel down in a day make more plans to fill your time with meaningful activities(things that build new skills, attitudes, or love for yourself or for others), not just menial to do lists, and you will not experience disatisfaction in your day to day life.


Elder Reed

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