Brent and his zone

Brent and his zone
Pday at Talcahuano on a floating museum





Lindsay somewhere

Lindsay somewhere

Lindsay in Barcelona

Lindsay in Barcelona
singing before she gets her new comp

Brent in Chile

Brent in Chile
Looking cool

Lindsay in Spain

Lindsay in Spain
First companion-Hmna Snow



Monday, May 24, 2010


Hey family!!

This week was a real eye opener for me. First we got to be hosts for the new misionaries just entering the MTC and I couldn't believe that I have already been here for a month! The MTC is great but I am dyin to get out into the field...I'm not saying spanish is that good yet so I'm glad I'm still here. During the TRC this week we taught this woman named Doloris only in spanish and I thought we did really good until I re watched our lesson. I still have A LOT to learn about speaking in spanish. But the coolest thing about this experience is that I really gained a testimony of how the spirit works regardless of Language barriers.
Mom, I hope you send those tarts soon I'm dying over here, the food is tasting all the same now. I have been trying really hard not to be prideful and it is something I have to work on every day. I also think that this is a serious problem in the church as well because in order to build zion you have to have one heart and one mind. It should always be our goal in life to listen as much as talk and to always have a desire to understand those with whom we associate and converse with. So I have a challenge for you all. This next week, if you ever feel yourself getting frustrated at someone or something step back and try to understand what they are thinking or going through. I love being on a mission and I love all of you!
Keep sending letters I really enjoy getting mail and thank you so much for all the Dear Elders.

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